Videos that make
your brand pop.

Our expert editors and animators craft top-notch short-form videos to amp up your game. With Editoz Club, stand out in a world of more of the same.

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Book an hour consulting call with Chali - The personal brand wizard who grew Davie Fogarty to over 1M subscribers across all platforms and the owner of Editoz Club.

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Loved by top creators

Obviously, our videos get views.

Views and counting

Transform your raw footage
into finely-tuned videos
that fuel growth.

1. We take your raw videos.

Send over your short form videos, long-form videos or raw snippets. Our writers will pinpoint the juiciest hooks and highlights from your content.

2. Structure it for highest retention.

Our magic touch ensures your content’s dialed up to max! With our edits, shares, likes, and watch times rocket 5-10x beyond the norm.

3. Design your own style..

Our animators collaborate to sculpt a distinct style for your videos. Got brand guidelines? We’re all ears and eager to follow.

Ramp up your output.

We’re a worldwide team, hustling 24/7. From brainstorm to storyboard, to the final cut, we’re all about that quick turnaround.

Skip the freelancer hassle.

Bypass pricey freelancers and staff overhead. Pocket $50k+ annually compared to a full-time hire.

We got your back.

Your project lead and animators? Top-tier talent. We’re rigorous in selecting, grooming, and orienting our crew to centre around you.

Long-length Youtube Videos

Dive deep into topics and captivate your audience with compelling long-form YouTube content.

Youtube Shorts

Reach broader audiences swiftly with optimized short bursts of content.

Animated Explainers

Make complex concepts engaging and easy to grasp with dynamic animated storytelling.


Grab attention instantly with striking visuals that compel clicks.


Enhance your digital presence with bespoke graphics that resonate.

Instagram Reels

Defy the IG routine and make waves with captivating reels that stand out.

Podcast to Shorts

Transform your podcast moments into bite-sized videos that cater to a quick consumption crowd.

Product Demos

Showcase your product’s allure and convert curious visitors to loyal customers.

Video Explainers

Break down intricate subjects to both enlighten and entertain your target audience.

TikTok Videos

Jump on the trend train! Craft trendy TikTok videos and yes, we’re up for those dance challenges too.

Social Media Ads

Be it Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, or TikTok; we’ve got the skills to make your brand shine across platforms.

Unlock rapid growth with our video maestros!

Skip the job ads. Ditch the management drama. Say goodbye to stress.

Inquire now

Setup within 48 hours

Launch & Thrive

Starter Package
Rotating editors
Expert Project manager
Clip selection
Chat directly on Slack
Pause or cancel anytime
Join Waitlist
Creator Package
Dedicated editor
Expert project manager
Clip selection
Chat directly on Slack
24/7 customer service
Pause or cancel anytime
Join Waitlist
Advanced Creator Package
2x dedicated full-time editors
Expert project manager
Clip selection
Chat directly on Slack
24/7 customer service
Pause or cancel anytime
Join Waitlist
Book a free strategy call  
Discover how we amplify your audience reach.
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Send Your Clips

Pre-edited or raw, we'll craft them into buzzworthy videos.

Need Script Help?

Our seasoned scribes are ready to boost your content.

Requests? Use Notion

Drop your needs; your project lead handles the rest.

Chat via Slack &

We're here. Discuss on Slack, refine on

Have questions?

Have more questions? Book a free strategy call.
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How many videos come with each plan?

The Starter gets you 9 per month. Creator? 22. Advanced Creator? A whopping 28!

Hi-fi versus low-fi – what's up?

You see those slick videos on our site? That’s Hi-Fidelity, taking 2-3 days to animate. Here’s a peek at a Hi-Fi sample. Low-Fidelity is quicker, just a few hours. Here’s its version.

Video durations – break it down for me?

We categorize as Long-length, High-Fi, and Low-Fi. Long ones? About 4 days. High-Fis, like our site’s? Roughly 48 hours. Low-Fis with simple elements? We roll out several daily. We’ll keep you posted throughout!

Will this boost my brand?

Growth isn’t guaranteed, but odds are good! Our vids typically outperform by 10x. Content’s king, so it’s got to resonate. Need guidance? We’ve got you.

Can you shorten my long videos?

Absolutely! Send over your extended content or YouTube link. We’ll churn out engaging shorts. Want minimal involvement? Our wordsmiths will pinpoint the best bits.

Why not just get my own editors?

We’re already dialed into current creator trends! Our goal? Stellar results, earning us your referrals. We streamline the process, nixing the hiring and management fuss.

Do you offer test runs or sample vids?

Not our jam. Keen on testing the waters? Our Part-Timer’s right up your alley. And, exiting’s hassle-free.

What if I change my mind?

No strings attached here. Pause or terminate when you wish. But if we’ve already assigned an animator and begun work, refunds aren’t on the table.

Unhappy with the video outcome?

Rare, but we’ve got you. Two revisions, on the house! We’ll fine-tune until it’s spot on.

Just animations, or...?

Nope! Our palette includes animated and live-action shots, promos, corporate content, and beyond. Tell us what you need!

How do I send my stuff over?

Once you’re in, an account guru will introduce you to Notion, our project hub. Drop your content & feedback there. Easy peasy.

Editoz Club
Copyright © 2023, Editoz Club
Terms of Service
Use our world-class video talent to grow faster.